B nova
Fully Automatic 3 Stage Online Storage Water Purifier
Based on Ultra Filtration Membrane Technology (0.01 Micron)

3 Stages of Water Purifier:
- Stage 1: Multilayer Pre-filter candle 5 micron:- Removes Mud,
- Rust, Dust, and all physical impurities, upto 5 micron
- Stage 1: Multilayer Pre-filter candle 5 micron:- Removes Mud, Rust, Dust, and all physical impurities, upto 5 micron
- Stage 2: BARC Govt. of India developed 0.01 Micron Ultra filtration Membrane technology :- Removes bacteria, harmful micro-organism and al other particles up to 0.01 micron
- Stage 3: Acid Activated Carbon : Removes Foul Odor "&" color etc.
- No Electricity Required
- Low maintenance
- 99.9% Bacteria free
- Removes chlorine
- Self maintained
- Easy to operate, Easy to instal "&" Easy to Maintain
- Free 15 Ltr Food grade Plastic Storage jar, which comes along with the unit